
Purpose: Provides variables underlying the APACHE predictions. Acute Physiology Age Chronic Health Evaluation (APACHE) consists of a groups of equations used for predicting outcomes in critically ill patients. APACHE II is based on the APS or acute physiology score (which uses 12 physiologic values), age, and chronic health status within one of 56 disease groups. APACHE II is no longer considered valid due to inadequate case mix index adjustments and over estimates mortality because it is based on models from the 1970s-1980s. APACHE III, introduced in 1991, improved the equation by changing the number and weights of the APS and revising the measurement of chronic health status. APACHE IVa further improved the equations and has been described as having the highest discrimination of any other adult risk adjustment model (SAPS 3, SOFA, MPM III).

Links to:

  • PATIENT on patientUnitStayID

Important considerations

  • oOBVentDay1 and oOBIntubDay1
    • if a patient is intubated on day 1 they are mechanically ventilated
    • if a patient is ventilated on day 1, but not intubated, they are non-invasively ventilated

Table columns

Name Datatype Null Option Comment Is Key Stored Transformed Created
patientUnitStayID int NOT NULL a globally unique identifier (GUID) used as a foreign key link to the patient table FK C
apachePredVarID int NOT NULL surrogate key for the APACHE Prediction variables PK S
sicuDay int NULL set to default value 1 S
saps3Day1 int NULL set to default value 0 S
saps3Today int NULL set to default value 0 S
saps3Yesterday int NULL set to default value 0 S
gender int NULL Female =1, Male = 0 , Not available =-1 S
teachType int NULL Set to default value of 0 S
region int NULL Set to default value of 3 S
bedcount int NULL XXX XxX XXX
admitSource int NULL Number indicating admit Source for a unit (1 to 8) S
graftCount int NULL Number selected for the patient when a CABG admission diagnosis is selected for the patient in eCare. Default is 3 S
meds int NULL 0 when ‘unable to score due to meds’ is not selected in eCare or there are valid GCS values. 1 when ‘unable to score due to meds’ is selected in eCare. -1 when no meds info is available S
verbal int NULL GCS verbal score from worst GCS set S
motor int NULL GCS motor score from worst GCS set S
eyes int NULL GCS eyes score from worst GCS set S
age int NULL Age in years S
admitDiagnosis varchar(11) NULL Apache admission diagnosis code S
thrombolytics int NULL 0/1. 0 – Patient doesn’t has thrombolytics, 1 - Patient has thrombolytics S
diedInHospital int NULL 0/1. 1 – Patient died in hospital S
aids int NULL 0/1. 0 – Patient doesn’t has aids, 1 - Patient has aids S
hepaticFailure int NULL 0/1. 0 – Patient doesn’t has hepaticFailure, 1 - Patient has hepaticFailure S
lymphoma int NULL 0/1. 0 – Patient doesn’t has lymphoma, 1 - Patient has lymphoma S
metastaticCancer int NULL 0/1. 0 – Patient doesn’t has metastaticCancer, 1 - Patient has metastaticCancer S
leukemia int NULL 0/1. 0 – Patient doesn’t has leukemia, 1 - Patient has leukemia S
immunosuppression int NULL 0/1. 0 – Patient doesn’t has immunosuppression, 1 - Patient has immunosuppression S
cirrhosis int NULL 0/1. 0 – Patient doesn’t has cirrhosis, 1 - Patient has cirrhosis S
electiveSurgery int NULL 0/1. 0 – Patient doesn’t has elective Surgery, 1 - Patient has elective Surgery S
activeTx int NULL 0/1. Indicates if the Patient has active Treatment S
readmit int NULL 0/1. Indicates if the Patient was readmitted S
ima int NULL Indicates if ‘Internal Mammary Artery Graft’ field was selected in eCare or not for the patient S
midur int NULL Indicates if patient had MI within 6 months S
ventDay1 int NULL Indicates if patient was ventilated for the worst respiratory rate S
oOBVentDay1 int NULL Indicates if patient was ventilated at anytime for the apache day S
oOBIntubDay1 int NULL Indicates if patient was intubated at anytime for the apache day S
diabetes int NULL 0/1. 0 – Patient doesn’t has diabetes, 1 - Patient has diabetes S
managementSystem int NULL Not used S
var03HspXlos float(53) NULL Not used S
pao2 float(53) NULL paO2 value from the worst ABG data set for the Apache Day S
fio2 float(53) NULL fiO2 value from the worst ABG data set for the Apache Day S
ejectFx float(53) NULL S
creatinine float(53) NULL Worst creatinine value for the Apache day S
dischargelocation int NULL Value indicating discharge location for the patient S
visitNumber int NULL value indicating number of unit admission S
amilocation int NULL 1 to 7. Value indicating AMI Location S
day1meds int NULL 0 when ‘unable to score due to meds’ is not selected in eCare or there are valid GCS values. 1 when ‘unable to score due to meds’ is selected in eCare. -1 when no meds info is available S
day1verbal int NULL GCS verbal score from worst GCS set S
day1motor int NULL GCS motor score from worst GCS set S
day1eyes int NULL GCS eyes score from worst GCS set S
day1pao2 float(53) NULL paO2 value from the worst ABG data set for the Apache Day S
day1fio2 float(53) NULL fiO2 value from the worst ABG data set for the Apache Day S

Further reading

eICU-CRD v2.0 documentation