Overview of the eICU data

The eICU Collaborative Database is a collection of tables relating to patients who were treated as part of the Philips eICU program across intensive care units in the United States. The tables are linked by a set of identifiers, such as patientunitstayid which uniquely identifies a single ICU stay and hospitalid which uniquely identifies a hospital.

List of tables

The following tables form part of the eICU schema:

Name Brief description
admissionDrug from note, admitDrug
admissionDx from admissionDiagnosis, admissionDiagnosisItem
allergy from note, allergy
apacheApsVar from Apache.dbo.apache_ApsVar
apachePatientResults from Apache.dbo.apache_patient_results
apachePredVar from Apache.dbo.apache_PredVar
apachePrePatientResult from apacePreDB..apacheAPIResult
carePlanCareProvider from cplHistory, cplGroup, and cplItemCareProvider
carePlanEOL from cplHistory, cplGroup, and cplItemEol
carePlanGeneral from cplHistory, cplGroup, and cplItemGeneral
carePlanGoal from cplHistory, cplGroup, and cplItemGoal
carePlanInfectiousDisease from cplHistory, cplGroup, and cplItemInfectiousDisease
customLab from abgOtherValue, chemistryOtherValue, drugLevelOtherValue, hematologyOtherValue, miscOtherValue, sensitiveOtherValue
diagnosis from patientDXRxItemSet, patientDxRx, patientDxRxLeaf, vrefDxRx, vrefDxRxCodingMap, and vrefCode
infusionDrug from fsVSIColumn, fsVSICell, fsVSICellAttribute
intakeOutput from fsIOColumn, fsIOCell,fsIOCellAttribute
lab from abgLab, chemistryLab, drugLevelLab, hematologyLab, miscLab, sensitiveLab
medication from medicalOrder, drugOrder, drugOrderHistory, drugList
microLab from microbiology, microOrganism, and microSensitivity
note from note, noteItem
nurseAssessment from fsNAColumn, fsNACell, fsNACellAttribute, fsNACustomLabel
nurseCare from fsNCColumn, fsNCCell, fsNCCellAttribute, fsNCCustomLabel
nurseCharting from fsVSIColumn, fsVSICell, fsVSICellAttribute, fsVSICustomLabel
pastHistory from note, noteItem
patient from person, patient, patientHealthSystemStay, patientWardStay, ward
physicalExam from note, noteItem
respiratoryCare from respFlowsheetCareStatusHistory
respiratoryCharting from respFlowsheetColumn respFlowsheetCell, respFlowsheetCustomLabel
treatment from patientDXRxItemSet, patientDxRx, patientDxRxLeaf, and vrefDxRx
vitalAperiodic from vitalSignAperiodic
vitalPeriodic from vitalSignPeriodic5minute
eICU-CRD v2.0 documentation