Purpose: Large table that contains information entered in a semi-structured form by the nurse. The three columns nursingchartcelltypecat
, nursingchartcelltypevallabel
and nursingchartcelltypevalname
provide an organised structure for the data, but nursingchartvalue
are free text entry and therefore fairly unstructured.
Links to:
Important considerations
- Nurse charting data can be entered directy into the system or can represent interfaced data from charting in the bedside EMR.
Table columns
Name | Datatype | Null Option | Comment | Is Key | Stored Transformed Created |
patientUnitStayID |
int | NOT NULL | foreign key link to the patient table | FK | C |
nursingChartID |
int | IDENTITY | surrogate key for the nurse charting | PK | C |
nursingChartOffset |
int | NOT NULL | number of minutes from unit admit time that nursing chart column | C | |
nursingChartEntryOffset |
int | NOT NULL | number of minutes from unit admit time that nursing chart column was entered | C | |
nursingChartCellTypeCat |
varchar(255) | NOT NULL | picklist nursing chart category type e.g.: Vital Signs, Scores, Other Vital Signs and Infusions, etc. | S | |
nursingChartCellTypeValLabel |
varchar(255) | NOT NULL | picklist nursing chart cell type value label e.g.: O2 Saturation, Glasgow coma score, Respiratory Rate, etc. | S | |
nursingChartCellTypeValName |
varchar(255) | NOT NULL | picklist nursing chart cell type value name e.g.: Value, GCS Eyes, Non-Invasive BP Systolic, etc. | S | |
nursingChartValue |
varchar(255) | NULL | The text that was entered manually or via a interface for the given Cell Type Val Lable e.g.: 100, 4 units, 35%, etc. | S |
eICU-CRD v2.0 documentation