
Purpose: Large table that contains information entered in a semi-structured form by the nurse. The three columns nursingchartcelltypecat, nursingchartcelltypevallabel and nursingchartcelltypevalname provide an organised structure for the data, but nursingchartvalue are free text entry and therefore fairly unstructured.

Links to:

  • PATIENT on patientUnitStayID

Important considerations

  • Nurse charting data can be entered directy into the system or can represent interfaced data from charting in the bedside EMR.

Table columns

Name Datatype Null Option Comment Is Key Stored Transformed Created
patientUnitStayID int NOT NULL foreign key link to the patient table FK C
nursingChartID int IDENTITY surrogate key for the nurse charting PK C
nursingChartOffset int NOT NULL number of minutes from unit admit time that nursing chart column C
nursingChartEntryOffset int NOT NULL number of minutes from unit admit time that nursing chart column was entered C
nursingChartCellTypeCat varchar(255) NOT NULL picklist nursing chart category type e.g.: Vital Signs, Scores, Other Vital Signs and Infusions, etc. S
nursingChartCellTypeValLabel varchar(255) NOT NULL picklist nursing chart cell type value label e.g.: O2 Saturation, Glasgow coma score, Respiratory Rate, etc. S
nursingChartCellTypeValName varchar(255) NOT NULL picklist nursing chart cell type value name e.g.: Value, GCS Eyes, Non-Invasive BP Systolic, etc. S
nursingChartValue varchar(255) NULL The text that was entered manually or via a interface for the given Cell Type Val Lable e.g.: 100, 4 units, 35%, etc. S
eICU-CRD v2.0 documentation