Help and support
The eICU Collaborative Research Database (eICU-CRD) is provided through the work of researchers at the MIT Laboratory for Computational Physiology, Philips Healthcare, and our collaborators. We have limited resources and cannot provide individual support to researchers worldwide.
We therefore encourage eICU-CRD users to work together as a community. Please read our notes on how to get involved for further information.
How can I get help with my analysis?
If you are seeking advice for a specific question, we would suggest raising an issue on the eICU Code Repository.
How do I raise an issue on the eICU Code Repository?
To raise an issue, first navigate to the eICU Code Repository. After logging in to GitHub, click “New issue”, add a title and description of the problem, and then select the “Submit new issue” button.
Public discussion reaches a larger audience, enables wider discourse, and reduces workload on our laboratory. One exception is where a topic is sensitive, for example relating to patient health information. If you need to raise a private issue, please contact us using the method noted below.
Contact us
Where possible we encourage public discussion via the methods described on the eICU Collaborative Research Database Community page.
The dataset is complex and we understand that there are many open questions, both in terms of the data and its analysis. Public discussion reaches a larger audience, enables wider discourse, and reduces workload on our laboratory.
One exception is where a topic is sensitive, for example relating to patient health information. If you need to raise a private issue, please email us.