
Purpose: Contains patient demographics and admission and discharge details for hospital and ICU stays.

Links to:

  • PATIENT on patientUnitStayID

Important considerations

All stays are centered on ICU admission. That is, there is no unitAdmitOffset column: it is 0 for all patientUnitStayID. Note that within a hospital admission, distinct unit stays can be linked by patientHealthSystemStayID. Keep in mind that offsets are still based upon patientUnitStayID, for example:

patientUnitStayID patientHealthSystemStayID unitDischargeOffset hospitalAdmitOffset hospitalDischargeOffset Comment
2 800 4320 -5040 10960 The second ICU stay.
10 800 2160 -720 15280 The first ICU stay.

The hospital course for this patient was:

  • patient admitted to hospital
  • first ICU admission (patientUnitStayID = 10) at 720 minutes after hospital admission (hospitalAdmitOffset = -720)
  • first ICU discharge (unitDischargeOffset = 2160) at 720+2160 minutes after hospital admission (unitDischargeOffset - hospitalAdmitOffset = 2160 - (-720) = 2880)
  • second ICU admission (patientUnitStayID = 2) at 5040 minutes after hospital admission (hospitalAdmitOffset = -5040)
  • second ICU discharge (unitDischargeOffset = 4320) at 9360 minutes after hospital admission (unitDischargeOffset - hospitalAdmitOffset = 4320 - (-5040) = 9360)
  • hospital discharge, total length of stay = (10960 - (-5040)) = (15280 - (-720)) = 16000

Note that the first ICU stay has a larger hospitalAdmitOffset, because this stay occurred closer to hospital admission (i.e. it was first). Also note that there is no correlation between patientUnitStayID and the order of patient stays.

There is no systematic method for chronologically ordering patientHealthSystemStayID for the same patient within the same year.

Table columns

Name Datatype Null Option Comment Is Key Stored Transformed Created
patientUnitStayID int NOT NULL surrogate key for ICU Stay PK C
patientHealthSystemStayID int NOT NULL surrogate key for the patient health system stay (hospital stay) FK C
gender varchar(25) NULL gender of the patient: Male, Female, Unknown, Other, NULL S
age varchar(10) NULL age of the patient in full years. If the patient is over 89 years old specify “> 89” e.g.: 79, 36, 52, “> 89”, etc. T
ethnicity varchar(50) NULL picklist ethnicity of the patient: Asian, Caucasian, African American, Native American, Hispanic, Other/Unknown, NULL S
hospitalID int NOT NULL surrogate key for the hospital associated with the patient unit stay C
wardID int NOT NULL surrogate key for the ward associated with the patient unit stay C
apacheAdmissionDx varchar(1000) NULL Full path string of admission diagnosis for patients unit stay e.g.: Pulmonary valve surgery, Chest pain, unknown origin, Restrictive lung disease (i.e., Sarcoidosis, pulmonary fibrosis), etc. S
admissionHeight decimal(10,2) NULL admission height of the patient in cm e.g.: 160.0000, 182.9000, 175.3000, etc. S
hospitalAdmitTime24 time(0) NOT NULL time in 24 hour format of the hospital admit e.g.: “12:45”, “15:30”, “3:45” T
hospitalAdmitOffset int NOT NULL number of minutes from unit admit time that the patient was admitted to the hospital C
hospitalAdmitSource varchar(30) NULL location from where the patient was admitted to the hospital e.g.: Direct Admit, Floor, Chest Pain Center. etc. S
hospitalDischargeYear smallint NOT NULL year of the hospital discharge date T
hospitalDischargeTime24 time(0) NOT NULL time in 24 hour format of when the hospital discharge event occurred e.g.: “12:45”, “15:30”, “3:45” T
hospitalDischargeOffset int NOT NULL number of minutes from unit admit time that the patient was discharged from the hospital C
hospitalDischargeLocation varchar(100) NULL Structured list of location where the patient was discharged to from the hospital e.g.: Home, Nursing Home, Death, etc. S
hospitalDischargeStatus varchar(10) NULL specifies patient’s condition upon leaving the hospital: Alive, Expired, or NULL S
unitType varchar(50) NULL the picklist unit type of the unit e.g.: MICU,Cardiovascular ICU,SDU/Step down,VICU,Neuro ICU,CCU,Virtual ICU,SICU,ICU,CCU-CTICU,Mobile ICU,CTICU,CSICU,Test ICU,Vent ICU,Burn-Trauma ICU S
unitAdmitTime24 time(0) NOT NULL time in 24 hour format of when the unit admit event occurred e.g.: “12:45”, “15:30”, “3:45” T
unitAdmitSource varchar(100) NULL picklist location from where the patient was admitted e.g.: Emergency Room, Recovery Room, Direct Admit, etc. S
unitVisitNumber int NOT NULL identifies the visit number of the patient, i.e. if the patient’s hospital stay has multiple unit stays C
unitStayType varchar(15) NULL patient’s unit stay type: stepdown/other, readmit for undo, admit, pre-admit, transfer, readmit S
admissionWeight decimal(10,2) NULL admission weight of the patient in kilograms e.g.: 69.7000, 70.9000, 173.0000, etc. S
dischargeWeight decimal(10,2) NULL patient weight at time of unit discharge in kilograms e.g.: 69.7000, 70.9000, 173.0000, etc. S
unitDischargeTime24 time(0) NOT NULL time in 24 hour format of when the unit discharge event occurred e.g.: “12:45”, “15:30”, “3:45” T
unitDischargeOffset int NOT NULL number of minutes from unit admit time that the patient was discharged from the unit C
unitDischargeLocation varchar(100) NULL Structured list of locations where the patient was discharged to from the unit e.g.: Other ICU (CABG), Other Hospital, Telemetry, Other Internal, Other ICU, Floor, Step-Down Unit (SDU), etc. S
unitDischargeStatus varchar(10) NULL specifies patient’s condition upon leaving the unit: Alive, Expired, or NULL S
uniquepid varchar(10) NOT NULL ID for a unique patient. C
eICU-CRD v2.0 documentation