
Purpose: Provides information related a patient’s relevant past medical history.

Links to:

  • PATIENT on patientUnitStayID

Important considerations

Providing detailed Past History is not common, but items such as AIDS, Cirrhosis of the Liver, Hepatic Failure, Chronic Renal Failure, Transplant, and Pre-existing Cancers / immunosuppression are more reliable because of their importance in severity outcome scoring.

Table columns

Name Datatype Null Option Comment Is Key Stored Transformed Created
pastHistoryID int IDENTITY surrogate key for the past history item PK C
patientUnitStayID int NOT NULL foreign key link to the patient table FK C
pastHistoryOffset int NOT NULL number of minutes from unit admit time for the past history item C
pastHistoryEnteredOffset int NOT NULL number of minutes from unit admit time that the past history item was entered C
pastHistoryNoteType varchar(20) NULL note type for the past history item e.g.: Admission, Initial Consultation/Other, Re-Admission, etc. S
pastHistoryPath varchar(255) NOT NULL the root path of the past history item e.g.: notes/Progress Notes/Past History/Organ Systems/Hematology/Oncology (A)/Cancer Therapy/Chemotherapy/Cis-platinum, etc. S
pastHistoryValue varchar(100) NULL Structured picklist of available past history items e.g.: Performed, hypercoagulable condition, COPD - no limitations, etc. S
pastHistoryValueText varchar(255) NULL the picklist value of the past history item e.g.: COPD - Moderate, CHF, Medication dependent, etc. S

Detailed description

Data include Past History date/time (as offset), note type, root path (e.g. notes/Progress Notes/Past History/Organ Systems/Hematology/Oncology (A)/Cancer Therapy/Chemotherapy/Cis-platinum, etc.), picklist values (e.g. Performed, Not Performed, Not Obtainable, No Health Problems, etc.) and text (e.g. COPD - Moderate, CHF, Medication dependent). Data entry fields are organized by the following organ systems: • Neurologic • Cardiovascular • Pulmonary • Gastrointestinal • Infectious Disease • Hematology/Oncology • Endocrine • Rheumatic

eICU-CRD v2.0 documentation