Purpose: The treatment table allows users to document, in a structured format, specific active treatments for the patient.
Links to:
Important considerations
The treatment table can only be populated directly into eCareManager as structured text. Absence of a treatment documented in this table should not be used as evidence a specific treatment was not administered. Data includes patient treatment information including date/time, whether the treatment was active upon patient discharge, and the path of the treatment e.g.: neurologic | ICH/ cerebral infarct|thrombolytics | tenecteplase, cardiovascular | arrhythmias | antiarrhythmics | atropine, etc.
Table columns
Name | Datatype | Null Option | Comment | Is Key | Stored Transformed Created |
patientUnitStayID |
int | NOT NULL | foreign key link to the patient table | FK | C |
treatmentID |
int | IDENTITY | surrogate key for the treatment | PK | C |
treatmentOffset |
int | NOT NULL | number of minutes from unit admit time that the treatment was entered | C | |
treatmentString |
varchar(200) | NOT NULL | the path of the treatment e.g.: neurologic | ICH/ cerebral infarct | thrombolytics |
activeUponDischarge |
varchar(10) | NOT NULL | denotes whether the treatment was active upon discharge from the unit: True or False | S |
eICU-CRD v2.0 documentation