Overview of the eICU data
The eICU Collaborative Database is a collection of tables relating to patients who were treated as part of the Philips eICU program across intensive care units in the United States. The tables are linked by a set of identifiers, such as patientunitstayid
which uniquely identifies a single ICU stay and hospitalid
which uniquely identifies a hospital.
List of tables
The following tables form part of the eICU schema:
Name | Brief description |
admissionDrug | from note, admitDrug |
admissionDx | from admissionDiagnosis, admissionDiagnosisItem |
allergy | from note, allergy |
apacheApsVar | from Apache.dbo.apache_ApsVar |
apachePatientResults | from Apache.dbo.apache_patient_results |
apachePredVar | from Apache.dbo.apache_PredVar |
apachePrePatientResult | from apacePreDB..apacheAPIResult |
carePlanCareProvider | from cplHistory, cplGroup, and cplItemCareProvider |
carePlanEOL | from cplHistory, cplGroup, and cplItemEol |
carePlanGeneral | from cplHistory, cplGroup, and cplItemGeneral |
carePlanGoal | from cplHistory, cplGroup, and cplItemGoal |
carePlanInfectiousDisease | from cplHistory, cplGroup, and cplItemInfectiousDisease |
customLab | from abgOtherValue, chemistryOtherValue, drugLevelOtherValue, hematologyOtherValue, miscOtherValue, sensitiveOtherValue |
diagnosis | from patientDXRxItemSet, patientDxRx, patientDxRxLeaf, vrefDxRx, vrefDxRxCodingMap, and vrefCode |
infusionDrug | from fsVSIColumn, fsVSICell, fsVSICellAttribute |
intakeOutput | from fsIOColumn, fsIOCell,fsIOCellAttribute |
lab | from abgLab, chemistryLab, drugLevelLab, hematologyLab, miscLab, sensitiveLab |
medication | from medicalOrder, drugOrder, drugOrderHistory, drugList |
microLab | from microbiology, microOrganism, and microSensitivity |
note | from note, noteItem |
nurseAssessment | from fsNAColumn, fsNACell, fsNACellAttribute, fsNACustomLabel |
nurseCare | from fsNCColumn, fsNCCell, fsNCCellAttribute, fsNCCustomLabel |
nurseCharting | from fsVSIColumn, fsVSICell, fsVSICellAttribute, fsVSICustomLabel |
pastHistory | from note, noteItem |
patient | from person, patient, patientHealthSystemStay, patientWardStay, ward |
physicalExam | from note, noteItem |
respiratoryCare | from respFlowsheetCareStatusHistory |
respiratoryCharting | from respFlowsheetColumn respFlowsheetCell, respFlowsheetCustomLabel |
treatment | from patientDXRxItemSet, patientDxRx, patientDxRxLeaf, and vrefDxRx |
vitalAperiodic | from vitalSignAperiodic |
vitalPeriodic | from vitalSignPeriodic5minute |
eICU-CRD v2.0 documentation